Resources Bill of Materials Creator Bill of Materials This tool is designed to facilitate the creation of a Bill of Materials for our Strip Series line of products, and compare the costs and capabilities of different products, side by side. Please fill out your information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Company * Choose a product to add to the bill of materials Type of Tape * Indoor Outdoor Application * Subcategory * Lookup Part Number * You Chose Note Enter the total length of tape light required Number of feet requested * ft Total Wattage W Drivers Indoor Drivers Static MLDRE-40-24-DMMLDRE-96-24-DM Indoor Dynamic Drivers MLDR-20-24JBMLDR-120-24 Outdoor Static Drivers MLDR-120-24MLDRE-40-24-DMMLDRE-96-24-DM Outdoor Dynamic Drivers MLDR-120-24 Driver Wattage Limit W Required Drivers Drivers Required Controllers Controller RGBW LT-11S-RF Controller CCT LT-031-RF Controller RGB LN-CON-WIFI-3CH-XVLT-09S-RF: RF Touch Control for RGB Amplifier Amplifiers Required Amplifiers Required plus1 Add Item minus1 Remove This Item Submit BoM for Pricing If you are human, leave this field blank.